Scheduling a Report

By scheduling a report, you can set the system to automatically run the report on a daily, weekly, monthly, or a one-time basis. You can create a schedule for any report in the system.

Follow these steps to schedule a report:

  1. Select Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

    The system takes you to the Generate Report component.

  2. In the list of reports, select the report you want to schedule. Enter information as needed on the Select Report, Select Data, Set Parameters, and Output Options pages. For information about using these pages, see Working with Reports.

  3. Select Schedule Report from the Settings menu on the component subheader.

    The system takes you to the Schedule Report page.

  4. Select the Enable Scheduling check box.

    The system displays a banner containing the current date and time and blank fields used for scheduling a report.

  5. Click the down arrow in the Schedule Frequency field, and select how often you want the report to run.

    Additional fields are displayed depending on the value selected. For more information about frequency field values, see the table below.

  6. Enter field values as needed for the chosen frequency.

  7. If you want the report to run more than once a day, select the Repeat Task Every check box, type a value, and select an increment of Minutes or Hours.

  8. By default, the report generation process can run for 30 minutes, after which the system automatically stops the report. If you want to set a longer maximum duration the report is allowed to run, select the Stop if runs longer than check box, and select the amount of time from the drop-down menu.

    Note: If you are working with a large data set or including a large number of records in the report, longer processing time might be required. To prevent the report generation process from timing out, be sure to select the Stop if runs longer than check box and select a longer processing time from the drop-down menu.

  9. If you want to set a date on which the recurring scheduled report will stop running, select the Expire check box. In the End Date field, type (or use the calendar feature to select) the date on which you want the report to stop. If applicable, click in the End Time field, and type a time of day you want the report to stop running, and then select AM or PM.

  10. Click the Schedule button to save the new report schedule.

    The system displays a message to confirm that the report schedule was saved in the database.

The following table describes frequencies and associated field values:






Start Time

Type the time of day you want the report to run and select AM or PM.

Run on Date

Type (or use the calendar feature to select) the date on which you want the report to run.


Start Date

Type (or use the calendar feature to select) the date on which you want the report to run for the first time.

Start Time

Type the time of day you want the report to run and select AM or PM.

Run every __ day(s)

Type the number of days you want used as an interval between report runs. If you want the report to run every day, type 1.


Start Date

Type (or use the calendar feature to select) the date on which you want the report to run for the first time.

Start Time

Type the time of day you want the report to run and select AM or PM.

Run every __ week(s) on

Type the number of weeks you want used as an interval between report runs (if you want the report to run every week, type 1) and select the check box for the day of the week on which you want the report to run (for example, Run every 2 weeks on Friday).


Start Date

Type (or use the calendar feature to select) the date on which you want the report to run for the first time.

Start Time

Type the time of day you want the report to run and select AM or PM.

Day of the month

Select one of the following:

  • Type the exact date of each month you want the report to run (for example, to run the report on the 15th of each month, type 15).

  • Select a week of the month and day of the week on which you want the report to run.

Related topics:

Using Report Parameters and Output Options

Working with Reports


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