The Items tab on the Review Bid Summary component contains an accordion list of all the items in the proposal vendor's bid. Each row represents one item record. To view an item record, expand the row to display all the available information. You can view or change the following information:
The system automatically calculates the extended amounts for each item and compares this to the extended amount that was submitted with the bid. Any item that is found to have an incorrect extended amount (one that does not match the calculated extended amount) is identified with a value of Yes in the Extended Amount Mismatch field.
The system also validates bid amounts for items that have a required minimum or maximum by comparing the bid amount with the value set in the Bid Item Unit Price Comparison field. If the bid exceeds a required maximum or is less than a required minimum amount, the item is identified with a value of Yes in the Failed Bid Item Requirement check box.
Note: Depending on an agency option setting, the system might invalidate a bid that contains an extended amount mismatch.