Managing Approved DBE Commitments

The Contract Approved DBE Commitment Summary Overview component allows you to view the original approved DBE commitment information, as well as the approved DBE commitment for each subsequent prime contractor associated with the contract.

Access this page by navigating to the Contract Administration Overview component and selecting Approved DBE Commitments from the Actions menu on the contract's row.

The component contains a list of the approved DBE commitments for the associated contract. Unless the prime contractor for the contract has changed, the list will only contain one row (the DBE commitment approved for the current prime contractor). If the prime contractor has changed, the list contains multiple rows, one for the current prime contractor and one for each previous prime contractor.

Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To view all of the information in an approved DBE commitment record, click the Vendor ID link in the list, or select Open from the Actions menu on the DBE commitment's row.

Related topics:

Managing DBE Commitments


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