Maintaining the Home Page News for a Role

You can use the Home Page News component to communicate agency-specific news and information to users when they first log on to the system.

Content for the Home Page News component is recorded in a text document. The text document is then assigned to a user role, which means you can create different Home Page News content for each role in your system, tailoring each to the needs of the role. This is not a requirement, however; you can assign the same content to all roles or use a combination of both practices.

Follow these steps to create content for the Home Page News component for a role:

  1. Select the Text Documents link from the System Administration component.

    The Text Documents component displays an accordion list of all the text documents used by the system.

  2. Click the New button.

    The system adds a new blank row below your first added record.

  3. Click the down arrow in the Type of Text Document field and select Home Page News.

  4. Click in the Description field and type a description that will easily distinguish this Home Page News content from any others recorded for other roles.

  5. Click in the Text Document field and enter the content you want to appear in the Home Page News component.

    Note: Links are not currently supported within the Home Page News.

  6. If you don't want the content to appear immediately in the Home Page News component, enter the date you want it to appear in the Active Date field.

  7. If you want the content to be automatically removed from the Home Page News component on a specific date, enter that date in the Obsolete Date field.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Navigate to the Roles Summary component for the role you want to associate with the Home Page News text document you just created.

  10. Click the down arrow in the Home Page News field and select the description for the text document you just created.

  11. Click the Save button.

    The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

  12. The final step is to add the Home Page News component to the dashboard for the role. Click the Select Dashboard Components button.

    The system displays a modal window for adding dashboard components.

  13. In the modal window, first locate the Home Page News component by typing Hom in the Quick Find search box.

    The system lists the Home Page News component.

  14. Click the Home Page News record.

    The system adds a check mark beside the record and shades the row.

  15. Click the Add to Role button.

    The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Role Summary with the Home Page News component added to the list.

  16. Click the Save button.

    The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Once the text document is created and assigned to the appropriate roles, and the Home Page News component has been added to the role's dashboard, you can update the content in the Home Page News component by simply changing the text recorded in the Text Document field for that text document record on the Text Documents component.

Related topics:

Managing Text Documents


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