Maintaining a Test Triggered Event

A test triggered event includes criteria that can be matched to a sample record test. When a sample record test matches all of the criteria, the system performs one or more actions that can change the status of other tests associated with the sample record. These actions can also include executing a process, if needed. This enables your agency to automate the movement of sample records through multiple tests in sequential order.

The Test Triggered Event Summary lists all of the information recorded for an event, including the criteria used to match an event to a sample record test and the actions that occur as a result of a match.

You can access the summary by navigating to the Test Triggered Events Overview, locating the event you want to view, and then selecting Open from the Actions menu on the event row.

The summary opens on the General tab. You can view or change information in these fields:

Click in a field to add, change, or delete information as needed.

When you enter a value in the Test field, the system filters the possible values for the Lab Unit field to only those labs that are qualified to perform the selected test. One of the values in either the Material field or the Material Category field must have an action relationship for the selected test. If you change the value in the Test field, the system clears the values in the remaining fields.

The values in the From Test Status and To Test Status fields are criteria used to match the test triggered event to a sample record test. The value in the From Test Status field is the status of the test before another action in the system changes the status, and the value in the To Test Status field is the result of that status change. For events to be triggered, the test status before and after the status change must match both of these field values, in addition to the other criteria specified in the test triggered event.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes are saved in the database.

To maintain additional information for the test triggered event, click this tab:

Event Triggers

Click this tab to view or maintain the actions that occur as a result of the test triggered event (see Maintaining Triggers for a Test Triggered Event).

Related topics:

Adding a Test Triggered Event

Maintaining Test Triggered Event Information


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