Maintaining Lab Information

Reference information is maintained for laboratories to ensure that all labs used by your agency are qualified to test material samples. Information about which tests each lab is qualified to perform is also maintained.

When you click the Labs link in the Reference Data component, the system takes you to the Lab Overview component where you can add, change, and delete information for labs. Type criteria in the Quick Find search box to locate the lab you want to maintain, or click Show first 10. The system displays a list of rows for all the labs in the system that match your search criteria.

Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To delete a lab, select Delete from the Actions menu on the lab row. To reverse the deletion, click the Undo button. Click the Save button to apply your changes to the system.

To change the information for a reference lab, click the Lab ID link in the list or select Open from the Actions menu on the lab row. The system takes you to the Lab Summary. For more information, see Maintaining a Reference Lab.

To add a new lab to the system, select Add from the Actions menu on the component header. The system takes you to the Add Lab component. For more information, see Adding a Reference Lab.

Related topics:

Adding a Reference Lab

Maintaining a Reference Lab


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