In this Topic
The agency performs evaluations to rate the quality of contract project designs. A project manager creates the evaluation for a contract design by choosing groups of questions from the reference design evaluation. Each question carries a weight that, when combined with its score in an evaluation, contributes to the final rating of the contract design.
The Design Evaluations tab on the Contract Project Summary contains a list of all the design evaluations associated with the contract project. Each row displays an Actions button and current values these fields:
Click in a field and add, change, or delete information as required.
To add a new evaluation for this contract project, click the New Evaluation button. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the list. All fields in the new row are blank. To save a new evaluation row, you must enter information in the Evaluation Date field. Record information in other fields as needed.
To fill out a contract design evaluation, click the link in the Eval Number field or select Open from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system takes you to the Contract Design Evaluation Summary (see Filling Out a Contract Design Evaluation).
To delete an evaluation from the contract project, select Delete from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system shades the row to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.
When you are finished making changes to design evaluations for the contract project, click the Save button to apply your changes to the system (including deleted information).
When all of the questions in an evaluation have been answered, mark the evaluation complete by selecting Mark Complete from the Actions menu on the evaluation row. The system automatically sets the Complete field to Yes and calculates the following evaluation score information:
Weighted Score for evaluation questions = Answer Rating x Weight
Index Score for evaluation groups = Sum of the answered Weighted Scores / Total number of answered questions
Questions Answered for the evaluation = Total number of answered questions for all groups
Total Group Score for the evaluation = Sum of Weighted Score of answered questions for all groups
Index Score for the evaluation = Total Group Score / Questions Answered
After it has been marked complete, an evaluation cannot be changed or deleted.
No changes can be made to an evaluation that has been marked complete