Maintaining Contract Claim Types

When legal claims are made against a construction project, the transportation agency must track the claim until it is resolved. The reference claim type determines the number of response days, notification days, and analysis days allowed for resolution of a contract claim.

When you click the Contract Claim Types link in the Reference Data component, the system takes you to the Reference Contract Claim Type Overview where you can add, change, and delete reference claim type information. To change an existing claim type, type criteria in the Quick Find search box to locate the claim type's row.

The system displays a list of rows for all the claim types in the system that match your search criteria. Each row contains an Actions button and current values for the following fields:

To change the information in a claim type, click anywhere in that claim type's row. The system highlights the row in blue and displays information in labeled fields. You can add or change information in any field.

To add a new reference claim type to the system, click the New button. The system adds a new row at the bottom of the rolling list of claim types. All fields in the new row are blank. To save the new claim type, you must enter information in the Claim Type ID and Claim Type Description fields. Record information in other fields as needed.

To delete a reference claim type, select Delete from the Actions menu on the claim type's row.

When you are finished, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Related topics:

Managing Contract Claims


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