Finding Bid Data

The Find Bid Data component enables you to gather historical bid data from proposals stored in the system and determine the average bid price and estimated unit price of a bid item. The average bid price is calculated as the sum of all bid prices divided by the number of bidders.

To access the component, click the Find Bid Data link in the Preconstruction component.

To find bid data related to a specific item, enter a value in the Bid Item field. The system searches historical bids and then lists rows of proposals that include the item from the selected spec book. You can filter the list of proposals or find a specific row in the list by entering criteria in the Quick Find search box.

Each proposal row displays read-only values in these fields:

You can expand a row to view additional information in these fields:

The five bidders with the lowest bid total amounts are listed with the lowest bid total ranked first. For each bidder row, information is displayed in these fields:

You can find historical bid data for a different item at any time by entering a new value in the Bid Item field. Or, enter search criteria in the Quick Find search box.

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Managing Estimation

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