Data Loader File Format

The import file must:


The best way to ensure that you build the import file with all field names spelled correctly and in the correct order is to start by exporting that entity as a sample of data you’d like to see. That way, you’ll know the format that the system expects. For more information about exporting data, see Exporting Entity Data and Exporting Agency View Data.

If you plan to use a csv file when importing your data, then be sure to select csv format when exporting a sample file.

Use a text editor, such as Windows Notepad or Notepad++, to open the exported csv sample file.

Use the format of the sample csv file to create the structure for your import file.

To ensure that you import exactly the data you need:

Helpful Hints

When building a csv file to import data, you should know that:


Field Type


Text Field

Text field length is defined by the Business Metadata's MaxAllowed argument of the MaxLength validation rule for the field. Text fields are right-trimmed only to preserve leading spaces and should be left-aligned in the record.

Integer Numeric Fields

Integer field length is defined by the Business Metadata's Precision argument of the IsNumber validation rule for the field. The value can be left or right justified.

Decimal Numeric Fields

Decimal field length is defined by the Business Metadata's Precision argument of the IsNumber validation rule for the field. The decimal should be included in the import data.

Date Fields

Date field length is eight and the value is required to be in YYYYMMDD format.

Date/Time Fields

Date and Time field length is fourteen and the value is required to be in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS with 24-hour time.

Boolean Fields

Boolean field length is one. Any of the following values indicate true: T,t,Y,y. Any of the following values indicate false: F,f,N,n.

Longitude Fields

Longitude field length is 15. The required format is, which corresponds to three decimal places for degrees, two places for minutes, and four places for seconds with two decimal places and the decimal removed. Additionally, a minus sign may be prepended to the value. The fields may be right or left justified.

Latitude Fields

Latitude field length is nine. The required format is DDMMSSss, which corresponds to two places for degrees, two places for minutes, and four places for seconds with two decimal places and the decimal removed.

Example File


CSVHeader,CreatedDate:Created Date,CreatedBy:Created By,LastUpdatedDate:Last Updated Date,LastUpdatedBy:Last Updated By,EffectiveDate:Effective Date,ExpirationDate:Expiration Date,Active:Active,Status:Status,Description:Action Relationship Description,CustomBusinessEntity.Name:Entity ID,RecordDescription:Record ID,RecordType:Record Type,SampleLocation:Sample Location,MaterialTest.Method:Test Method,AgencyView.Name:Name,SampleSize:Sample Size,SpecialInstructions:Special Instructions,Remark:Remark,TestStartDuration:Test Start Duration,AcceptanceMethod:Acceptance Method,ActionType:Action Type,DocumentationType:Action Documentation Type,FieldInspectionValue:Field Inspection Value,SampleResponsibility:Sample Responsibility,SampleType:Sample Type,SampleUnits:Sample Units,SourceInspectionValue:Source Inspection Value,StatusType:Action Relationship Status Type,TestResponsibility:Test Responsibility,SourceRequired:Approved Source Required,ModelId:Model ID
ActionRelationship,,,,,,,T,ACTIVE,PreA,Material,RLTPreAMatl-RLTPreAMatl,Material,,test a,,,,,,SMPL,,Sample Record,,,SMPL,,,,,F,"{""EntityName"":""Material"",""Keys"":{""Name"":""RLTPreAMatl""}}"                                                                                                                                                                                                

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