Creating Agency Help for a Role

The Agency Help tab of the Role Summary component allows you to add agency-specific Help content for the role. You can add information here that is helpful to staff members performing the procedures and tasks of this role.

Select the View Component Agency Help check box to allow the role to view the agency help for components for which the role has been assigned access rights (see Creating Agency Help for a Component for more information about agency help for components).

The Agency Help field allows you to create agency Help content that is specific for this role. Click in the text box and type or paste the information you want to record. The system automatically wraps text to a new line, but if you want to start a new paragraph, press ENTER. You can also use the Windows Copy (CTRL+C) and Paste (CTRL+V) commands from the Edit menu to copy and paste text from other applications. You can save up to 4,000 characters.

If you want to include a hyperlink in the agency Help content, format the hyperlink as follows:


<a href="URL" target="_blank">Link Text</a>


Replace URL with the destination URL for the webpage, and replace Link Text with the hyperlink text that the user will click in the agency Help to access the webpage. For example, the following is a hyperlink to that uses Google as the link text.


<a href="" target="_blank">Google</a>


When you are finished entering agency Help, click the Save button to save the information to the database. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved.

When a user with that active role clicks the Help button on the Menu Bar, the system displays the agency Help you recorded for the role in a separate browser window.

Related topics:

Creating Agency Help for a Component


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