Cost Plus Time bidding (also called A+B Bidding) requires that, in addition to bidding on the cost of traditional work items, contractors must bid on the length of time it will take to complete the project. The time component is a bid of the total number of calendar or available days or hours the bidder will require to complete a milestone. The agency also assigns a cost value per time unit for the inconvenience the construction is going to create (called the Road User Cost Per Time Unit).
These three cost components (work items, time, and inconvenience) are factored together to represent the total contract amount used in determining the low bid.
Time and Road User Cost information is recorded on the Time tab on the Proposal Summary component (see Maintaining Proposal Times). A proposal can contain one or more rows with a specified Road User Cost Per Time Unit.
Note: The contract awarded amount that is used for contractor payment processing is calculated as the total of the work items. The time component of a Cost Plus Time bid is not considered part of the awarded amount.