The Contractor Evaluation Report contains all the information recorded in a contractor performance evaluation, including general contract information, an overall rating, the rating for each individual performance criterion, an average rating for each group of criteria, approval information, evaluation number, and a signature block.
The report can be generated on demand or as a historical report. Historical reports are generated and attached as a PDF file to a record in the associated entity as a result of an active system event or tracked issue event (see Historical Reports).
If the ContractorEvaluationInApproved system event is active, the system automatically generates the Contractor Evaluation Historical Report when a contractor evaluation is approved. The report is generated in PDF format and attached to the contractor evaluation record.
You can display the historical report by selecting the report name under the Historical Reports section of an Actions menu. You can generate the report with current data by selecting the report name under the Reports section of an Actions menu.
The Contractor Evaluation Report is available from the component Actions menu on the Contractor Evaluation Summary, an evaluation row Actions menu on the Contractor Evaluation Overview, or an evaluation row Actions menu on the Contractor Evaluation tab on the Contract Documentation Summary.
A blank Contractor Evaluation Report can be generated from the component Actions menu on the Contract Evaluation Structure Overview.
You can also generate any report on any page in the system by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar (see Working with Reports).