Changing Item Quantities with a Change Order

In this Topic

  1. Increasing and Decreasing Item Quantities
    1. Adding an Item Quantity Increase or Decrease
  2. Balancing Completed Items
    1. Adding an Item Quantity Change to Balance a Completed Item

Sometimes during the course of construction on an agency project, the contractor will need to increase or decrease the quantity of a work item that was approved in the executed contract. This is a common reason for creating a change order. To maintain item quantity changes on a change order, click the Increase/Decrease Items tab on the Contract Change Order Summary.

The Increase/Decrease Items tab contains a row for each item quantity being changed on this change order. The rows are divided into two sections, one for general quantity changes on items that are not completed in the project and the other for quantity changes needed to balance completed items.

To maintain item quantity changes in this change order, expand a section to display all the quantity changes of that type in accordion rows. Use the Quick Find filter to more easily locate a specific row.

Increasing and Decreasing Item Quantities

The Increase/Decrease Items section on the Increase/Decrease Items tab contains a list of general quantity changes for items that are not completed in the project. Each item quantity row displays an Actions button and current values for these fields:

To view or change information for an item quantity change, expand the row. You can change information in this field:

You can view, but not change information in these fields:

If an explanation is needed for the quantity change, expand the Change Order Explanations section of the row. You can add information in these fields for one or more explanations:

To delete an item quantity change from the change order, select Delete from the Actions menu on the quantity change row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save button.

Adding an Item Quantity Increase or Decrease

Follow these steps to increase or decrease the quantity of one or more contract items on this change order:

  1. On the Contract Change Order Summary, click the Increase/Decrease Items tab, and click the Select Items button.

    The system displays a modal window for selecting items in the contract.

  2. Use the Quick Find, Projects, and Categories filters to more easily locate the items you want.

  3. Click the row for each item whose quantity you want to increase or decrease.

    The system adds a check mark beside each row you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  4. Click the Add to Change Order button.

    The system closes the modal window and adds the new item quantity rows to the list on the Increase/Decrease Items tab.

  5. To save the new item on the change order, you must enter information in the Change Quantity field. If required by your agency, record an explanation for the item quantity change.

  6. Click Save.

    The system adds the item quantity change to the change order and recalculates the Change Order Amount shown on the subheader.

Balancing Completed Items

At the time a work item is marked complete on a contract, the quantity used might not match the approved quantity on the contract; that is, the remaining item quantity might not be zero. A portion of the approved quantity might not have been used and is therefore left over, or the project may have overrun the approved quantity of the item.

To balance the quantity for a completed item (that is, to provide it with a zero quantity), an item quantity change is added to a change order in the Balance Completed Items section of the Increase/Decrease Items tab. The system automatically calculates the correct increase or decrease needed to balance the completed item.

The Balance Completed Items section contains a list of item quantity increases and decreases that have been added to the change order to balance completed work items in the contract. Each item quantity row displays an Actions button and current values for these fields:

To view additional information about an existing item quantity change, expand the row. You can view, but not change information in these fields:

To add or change an explanation for the quantity change, expand the Change Order Explanations section of the row. You can add information in these fields for one or more explanations:

To delete an item quantity change from the change order, select Delete from the Actions menu on the quantity change row. The system shades the row gray to indicate it is marked for deletion. To reverse the delete action, click the Undo button.

Click Save when you are finished balancing completed items. The system displays a message to confirm your changes were saved in the database.

Adding an Item Quantity Change to Balance a Completed Item

Follow these steps to increase or decrease the quantity of one or more completed contract items on this change order:

  1. On the Contract Change Order Summary, click the Increase/Decrease Items tab, and click the Balance Completed Items button.

    The system displays a modal window listing non lump sum items that have been marked complete in the contract.

  2. Use the Quick Find filter to more easily locate the items whose quantities you want to increase or decrease, and click each of those rows.

    The system adds a check mark beside each row you select and shades the row. To cancel a selection, click the selected row again.

  3. Click the Save button.

    The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Increase/Decrease Items tab with the new item quantity rows added to the list. The system recalculates the Change Quantity value for each contract item by subtracting the current quantity from the quantity posted to date on approved DWRs. If agency options are set to require change order explanations, the system enters an explanation automatically.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Contract Change Order


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