Assigning Project Items to Sections

The Assign Items to Sections component allows you to assign project items to sections of the proposal. Items can be assigned individually or, to save time, you can assign all the items in a category or all the items in a project at once.

To go to the Assign Items to Sections component, click the Sections and Items Quick link on the Proposal Summary component. In the Proposal Section and Items component, select Assign Items to Sections from the Actions menu on the component header.

Access the project for which you want to assign items to sections by clicking in the Projects box on the component subheader and selecting the project in the list. You can also select a project by using the arrow buttons on the right side of the subheader to scroll through all the projects associated with the proposal.

Below the subheader, the component contains two vertical lists. The right side of the component lists all sections in the project and displays values in the Section ID, Section Description, Cat Alt Set ID, and Cat Alt Member ID fields. The information in this list is for reference only and cannot be changed.

The left side of the component lists all the categories in the selected project. Each category row displays the Category ID, Description, and several indicators.

Each section in the project is represented by an alphabetical indicator. For example, if a project contains three sections, each category row would contain these indicators: A, B, and C. If all the items in a category are in the same section, the indicator representing that section is selected. Each category row also contains indicators labeled Mixed and None. If the items in the category are not in the same section, the Mixed indicator is selected. If none of the items in the category are in a section, the None indicator is selected.

Each category row can be expanded to list all the items in the category. Each item row contains alphabetical indicators on the right to denote the section to which the item is assigned. If the item is not assigned to a section, the None indicator is selected. Each item row displays current values for the following fields:

To assign an item to a section, or change the section assignment for an item, expand the appropriate category row. Locate the item in the list, and select the indicator for the appropriate section. If the item is not part of a section, select None on the item row.  

To assign all the items in a category to the same section, select the appropriate indicator on the section row. The system automatically selects the same indicator in all item rows for that section.

To assign all the items in the selected project to the same section, select the appropriate indicator on the All Project Items row (the first row in the list). The system automatically selects the same indicator in all item and category rows for the selected project.

When you are finished changing section assignments, click the Save button. The system displays a message to confirm that your changes were saved in the database.

Related topics:

Managing Proposal Sections and Items


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