Adding a Workflow

A workflow describes the relationships between tasks and the order in which those tasks are performed throughout the lifecycle of an agency cost estimate, project, proposal, or contract, and the relationships between those tasks. Each task is a workflow phase.
Workflows align AASHTOWare Project with your business processes. The system includes sample workflows you can customize. You can also add new workflows to describe agency-specific business processes. For example, if your agency organizes new roadway construction projects differently than roadway maintenance projects, you may choose to create one workflow for new projects and another workflow for maintenance projects.

Add a New Workflow

  1. Locate the Workflow Overview component.

  2. Click the component Actions menu and select Add.

  3. Complete these fields on the Add Workflow component: 

    Workflow ID
    Workflow Description

    The system automatically completes the Workflow Type field.

  4. Click the New button to add a workflow phase.

    You must enter at least one workflow phase for all workflows except a blank workflow.

  5. Complete these fields:

    Phase Description

    For information about rules, see Workflow Phase Rules.

  6. Click the New button again to create another workflow phase.

    To locate existing workflow phases, use the Quick Find search box. To remove a workflow phase, click the Delete button on its row.

  7. When you have created all phases in this workflow, click the Save button.

    The system displays a message to confirm that the new record was added to the system.

Add a Blank Workflow

You can add a blank workflow and assign it to projects, proposals, or contracts that do not follow an established workflow. Doing so allows all roles to have access rights to those records.

  1. Locate the Workflow Overview component.

  2. Click the component Actions menu and select Add.

  3. Click in the Workflow ID field and type Blank Workflow.

  4. Click in the Workflow Description field and indicate how your agency will use this workflow.

  5. Since blank workflows do not require a workflow phase, click the Save button.

    The system displays a message to confirm that the new record was added to the system.

Related topics:

Changing a Workflow

Managing Workflows

Workflow Phase Rules

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