Working with Fields

Fields are the most common element found on components. Information can be recorded in fields. You can move from one field to another by pressing the Tab key or moving your pointer to the field and clicking the left mouse button.

A component can contain one or more of the following types of fields:

Entering Data in a Range of Fields

The Range Fill feature provides a quick way to copy the same value to the same field on multiple rows of a list. Fields that allow range fill are determined by your agency and are identified by a down arrow beside the field's label. Your ability to use range field on any field you can access is determined by your active role.

Follow these steps to use the range fill feature:

  1. Locate the row and field containing the value you want to copy to a range of fields.

  2. Click the Range Fill button (down arrow) on the field containing the value you want copy.

    The system opens the Range Fill overlay. You can also open the Range Fill overlay by clicking in or tabbing to the field and then pressing ALT+1.

  3. In the Rows field, type the number of rows you want to be filled, up to the total number of rows displayed. If the range you want filled extends downward from the selected field, select the Down option or if the range extends upward, select the Up option.

    Note: Rows with fields that are read-only are included in the count but skipped in the range fill.

  4. Alternatively, you can select a check box to copy the value to the field in all of the rows displayed in the component or all of the rows in the list.

  5. Click the Fill button to fill the range of fields with the copied value. To close the overlay without filling the range of fields, click the Close button.

    The system copies the value to the specified range of fields and displays an Undo button beside each field populated with the range fill. Click the Undo button on any range filled field to revert to its previous value.


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