Viewing and Saving Process Output Files

If output files have been generated by a process, the output file name appears as a link in the Output Files field on the Process History Overview component. To view the output file, click the link.

Viewing an Output File

Follow these steps to view a process output file:

  1. Click the link in the Output Files field on the Process History Overview component.

    The system opens a File Download dialog window.

  2. Select the Open option in the window.

    The output file opens in the application with which it is associated on your local computer. For example, *.log files are usually associated with a text editor and if you open a *.log file, by default it will open in Microsoft Notepad. If your computer does not have an application associated with a file you are opening, you must save it and then choose an appropriate application in which to open the file.

    Depending on your browser settings, if you open an attachment file that is associated with the browser (rather than an application), it may not open in a separate window (that is, you may leave the webpage on which you were working and go to a new temporary webpage that displays the file). To return to the webpage on which you were working, click the browser's back button.

Saving an output file

Follow these steps to save an output file:

  1. Click the link in the Output Files field on the Process History Overview component.

    The system opens a File Download dialog window.

  2. Select the Save option in the window.

  3. Follow browser directions to save the file.

Related topics:

Viewing Process History

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