Understanding Payroll Exceptions

The first time a payroll is progressed to Under Agency Review status, the system automatically validates the payroll for payroll exceptions. To cause an exception, the Resolution Action for the payroll exception rule must be set to something other than Ignore (either May Be Left Unresolved or Must Resolve). The following table lists each payroll exception and describes the conditions that cause the exception to occur.


Payroll Exception



The payroll includes a defined holiday, but the Holiday Pay Multiplier agency option is null.


The Holiday Pay Multiplier agency option contains a value, but holidays are not defined in reference data.


For the following pairs of agency options, if one of the options has a value, the other option in the pair must also have a value. If only one option in a given pair is null, the payroll exception will occur.

Special Overtime Week Day 1 / Special Overtime Week Day 1 Multiplier

Special Overtime Week Day 2 / Special Overtime Week Day 2 Multiplier

Journeymen to First Apprentice Ratio / Journeymen to Remaining Apprentice Ratio


The same day is specified for both the Special Overtime Week Day 1 and Special Overtime Week Day 2 agency options, and the payroll includes hours worked on that day.


An employee has an apprenticeship for a given craft code and a Graduated to Journeyman Date, but the payroll includes hours for the employee as an apprentice for that craft code that occurred after the graduation date.


The payroll employee Calc Total Hours plus the employee's apprentice Hours To Date exceeds the Required Hours To Graduate.


The number of journeymen reported on the payroll is less than the number required for the number of apprentices used for work on the given craft code/labor classification pair. The basis for the comparison is determined by the values in the agency options for Journeymen to First Apprentice Ratio and Journeymen to Remaining Apprentice Ratio.


A payroll apprentice was paid fringe benefits less than what is required for the craft code/labor classification pair. If the Apprentice Full Fringe Verification indicator is selected for the employee, the system compares the reported fringe benefits with the amount required for the number of hours worked at the fringe rate.

Note: If the Apprentice Wage Compliance Check Override agency option is set to True, this check is not performed.


A payroll apprentice was paid fringe benefits less than what is required for the craft code/labor classification pair. If the Apprentice Full Fringe Verification indicator is not selected for the employee, the system compares the reported fringe benefits with the amount required for the number of hours worked at the fringe rate, multiplied by the Apprentice Wage Percentage.

Note: If the Apprentice Wage Compliance Check Override agency option is set to True, this check is not performed.


The fringe benefit amount reported for a payroll employee is less that what is required for the employee labor classification and the contract project conformance wage decision.


The conformance wage decision on a contract project does not include conformance wage decision details.


The total wages reported for a payroll employee classification are less than the minimum required pay based on the conformance wage decision for the contract project.

On a payroll with salaried employees, the Calc Salary Project Total Amount is less than the minimum required pay. The message includes the required and reported compensation, and the difference between the two as the additional compensation payment required.


An employee on the payroll worked more hours in one day than allowed by the Excessive Hours Worked Per Day agency option.


The number of days reported in a payroll is not a multiple of seven on a contract where the Davis Bacon Wage Rate indicator is false and the State Prevailing Wage Rate indicator is true.


The Total Fringe Benefits Paid amount reported for an employee classification is less than the fringe benefits amount calculated by the system. The system calculates the expected fringe benefits by multiplying the total hours by the total of fringe rates, plus the Project Lump Sum Payment amount.


The sum of the Net Pay and Total Deductions does not equal the Total Gross Pay for a payroll employee classification.


The Total Gross Pay reported for an employee classification is less than the Calculated Gross Pay amount.


The Federal Gross Pay is less than the Total Gross Pay amount for an employee classification.


The Straight Time Hours recorded for an employee in a single day exceeds the value in the Maximum Straight Daily Time Hours agency option.


The Total Straight Time Hours recorded for an employee classification in a seven-day period exceeds the value in the Maximum Straight Weekly Time Hours agency option.


The Total Overtime Hours reported for an employee classification is less than the Calculated Total Overtime Hours.


The Total Straight Time Hours reported for an employee classification is less than the Calculated Total Straight Time Hours.

On a payroll with salaried employees, the Total Classification Salaried Hours is less than the Calc Total Classification Salaried Hours.


The Total Deductions reported for an employee classification exceed the employee's gross pay multiplied by the value in the Excessive Deduction Percentage agency option.


The Total Deductions amount reported for an employee classification is not equal to the sum of the deductions.


The Total Hours reported for an employee classification is not equal to the sum of hours.


The payroll includes a holiday, but an employee classification was not paid the holiday rate for work on that day.


The Apprentice ID reported on the payroll does not match the Apprentice ID for the employee.


The Labor Classification reported on the payroll does not match the Apprentice Classification for the employee.


The apprentice labor craft code reported on the payroll does not match the apprentice labor craft code for the employee.


The payroll includes an employee whose detail information matches an existing reference employee, but whose social security number, partial social security number, or vendor ID is different.


The number of days in the payroll exceeds the value for the Non-Federal Aid Contract Maximum Days in Pay Period agency option when the Davis Bacon Wage Rate indicator is false and the State Prevailing Wage Rate indicator is true.


The payroll includes an OJT employee who does not have an active association with an OJT program in employee reference data.


The payroll includes an OJT employee reported with a labor craft and classification pair that does not match the skill set for the OJT program.


The payroll includes an OJT employee, but the contract does not have an active association with an OJT program.


Payroll employee’s labor classification must exist on the contract project’s wage decision with a county that matches the contract project county.


The county for the contract project specified on the payroll employee classification does not exist on the wage decision for the contract project.


Information for the payroll employee matches an existing reference employee in all but one of the following fields: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Gender, Ethnic Group, and the identifier defined by the agency option Include Payroll Employee SSN (either the Social Security Number, the Partial Social Security Number, or the Vendor Supplied Employee ID).  


Information for the payroll employee matches an existing reference employee in all but one of the following fields: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Gender, or Ethnic Group.


Information for the payroll employee matches an existing reference employee in the identifier defined by the agency option Include Payroll Employee SSN (either the Social Security Number, the Partial Social Security Number, or the Vendor Supplied Employee ID) but information does not match in the other detail fields: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Gender, or Ethnic Group.


The start day for the payroll does not match the start day for the reference vendor.


A salaried employee is identified as an apprentice.


The sum of a salaried employee’s reported Normal Salary plus the Project Lump Sum Payment is greater than the Total Gross Pay.


The begin date for the payroll is greater than the end date.


The payroll includes straight time hours worked on a day specified in one of the Special Overtime Week Day agency options.


The hours reported for an OJT payroll employee exceed the number of hours required to graduate from the OJT program as specified in reference data.


The employee is marked as an OJT employee, but the reported OJT percentage is less than the required OJT program wage rate progression based on the computed stage percentage across all contracts, plus the non-DOT hours.

On a payroll with salaried employees, the recorded OJT Wage Percentage is less than the OJT program wage rate  progression associated percentage based on total hours worked across all contracts.


The reported federal gross pay plus fringe benefit amount for the classification is less than the required minimum pay based on the wage decision wage rate and fringe benefit rates multiplied by the normalized total hours. Normalized total hours are the total straight time hours plus the overtime hours converted to straight time hours by using the proper multiplier. The regular overtime multiplier is 1.5, and the other multipliers are based on agency options.

On a complete certified payroll with salaried employees, the Calc Salary Project Total Amount is less than the minimum required pay. The message includes the required and reported compensation, and the difference between the two as the additional compensation payment required.


Related topics:

Maintaining Payroll Status

Maintaining Payroll Exception Rules

Working with Contract Payrolls


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