Reviewing Subcontract Payment Information

The Review Endorsement modal window contains a large text area. Recording a comment in this window is required to complete the review process for a subcontractor payment.

Follow these steps to record your comments for a subcontractor payment review:

  1. To open the Review Endorsement modal window, select Review Endorsement from the Actions menu on the Subcontract Payment Summary component header.

  2. Click in the text area and type information related to your review of the subcontractor payment. You can use standard Windows editing commands like inserting, deleting, cutting (CTRL+X), copying (CTRL+C) and pasting (CTRL+V).

  3. When you finish entering information, click OK to save the reviewer comment.

    The system closes the modal window and takes you to the Subcontractor Payment Summary component with the comments you recorded displayed in the Reviewer Comments field. The system automatically clears the Payment Data Awaiting Review check box in the associated Contract, Contract Payment, and Subcontractor Payment records.

Related topics:

Maintaining a Subcontractor Payment


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