Item Posting by Item

The Item Posting by Item report contains summary information for the specified contract items, as well as the list of all item postings within a specified time frame for a work item. The top of the report contains general information about the item from the contract (for example, description, quantities, and unit price). The remainder of the report is a listing of information from each item posting within the specified time frame which includes the DWR date, creator, approved quantity, quantity posted to date, quantity authorized for payment, quantity paid to date, pending change order quantity, pending change order amount, stationing, agency view information, attachments, comments, and attention flags. Reports can be generated for multiple work items at the same time.

You can generate the Item Posting by Item report from the row Actions menu on the Contract Items component. You can also generate any report on any page in the system by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For more information, see Working with Reports.


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