Importing Agency View Usage Data

The system enables you to import a CSV file that contains usage data for agency views associated with the Mix Design or Mix Design Component entities. In order to import agency view usage data, the agency view must already exist in the system, and an active association must exist between the agency view and a mix design type. The import process can be used to add new usage data or to update existing usage data.

The CSV file must conform to a specific structure with appropriate CSV headers and natural key values. To identify the required file structure, first export usage data from the agency views (see Exporting Agency View Usage Data). You can then examine the resulting CSV file to determine the structure needed to import additional usage data.

To import a CSV file containing usage data for Mix Design or Mix Design Component agency views, perform these steps:

  1. Select Import File from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar.

    The system takes you to the Import component.

  2. Click the Select File button.

    The system opens a Choose File to Upload window.

  3. In the Choose File to Upload window, navigate to the agency view usage data file you want to import, select it, and click the Open button.

    The system validates the selected file and displays the name and size of the file.

  4. When you are finished, click the Import button.

    The system displays a message to confirm that the import was successful, or provides any appropriate error messages for records that were not imported. If an error is encountered, the system continues to import remaining records in the file that are not affected by the error condition.

Related topics:

Exporting Agency View Usage Data


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