This example uses two projects with alternate categories and alternate items (each unique within the category) using the same category alternate set and member values and section groups.
Project 1
Category 1 - Alt Cat Set AA Member 1 Section Group A
Item X
Item Y - Alt Item KK1
Item Z - Alt Item KK2
Category 2 - Alt Cat Set AA Member 2 Section Group B
Item D
Item E - Alt Item MM1
Item F - Alt Item MM2
Project 2
Category 1 - Alt Cat Set AA Member 1 Section Group A
Item D
Item E - Alt Item NN1
Item F - Alt Item NN2
Category 2 - Alt Cat Set AA Member 2 Section Group B
Item X
Item Y - Alt Item PP1
Item Z - Alt Item PP2
At the proposal level, the system will try to combine the Category 1s (from both projects) into a single alternate section and both Category 2s into another alternate section. Because the item alternates within the category alternates are unique, it is OK.
The totals are the same for both sections. The system selects the first alternate by default when the totals are equal.