Example 1 - A Simple Scenario

This example uses a project with alternate categories and items.

Project 1

Category 1 - Alt Cat Set AA Member 1     Section Group A
     Item X
     Item Y - Alt Item KK1
     Item Z - Alt Item KK2

Category 2 - Alt Cat Set AA Member 2     Section Group B
     Item D
     Item E - Alt Item MM1
     Item F - Alt Item MM2

Category 3 - Regular Common Items     Section Group C
     Item K
     Item L
     Item Z

This creates three sections, two of which are alternate sections.

Example 1 Simple Scenario

L indicates the low cost item between the item alternates, and what is included in the total. Section 1 is the low cost alternate section (AA1), plus section 3 (regular) = $140.


Blue bar indicating the end of the topic