Database Connection Configuration

The web-based AASHTOWare Project stores database-related information in a data configuration file. For Oracle databases, the name of this file is ConnectionStrings.Oracle.config. For SQL databases, the name of this file is ConnectionStrings.SqlServer.config. The file is located in the directory where the AASHTOWare Project software is installed, under the application server's virtual directory (the default is WCFHost).

The location and name of the file is defined in the Web.config file (an .xml file located in your system installation directory, under the application server's virtual directory (the default is WCFHost)) by the value in the "configSource" attribute in the connectionStrings node.

The system software uses Microsoft IIS encryption technology, and the data configuration file is not encrypted by default, but you can choose to encrypt it during the installation process. For information about encrypting and decrypting your connection strings file, refer to the Modifying Only the Configuration section of Chapter 3 in the Installation Instructions.

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