The system allows your agency to apply custom logic to the Export to Bids process by modifying the RPX templates that generate the PASS2EBS file. Create specified rows in the PASS2EBS file using these templates:
RPX Templates |
Description |
ExportToBids.rpx |
This file is the parent template that calls all the other templates. |
ExportToBids-LettingInfo.rpx |
This template generates Letting rows 01-9 and rows 11-12. It does not generate Letting row 10. |
ExportToBids-LettingInfo-Letting10Data.rpx |
This template generates Letting row 10, enabling agencies to add more fields for use with the Project Bids load.cfg. |
ExportToBids-ProposalInfo.rpx |
This template generates Proposal rows 01-18, rows 20-23, and rows 25-27. It does not generate Proposal rows 19, 24, or 27. |
ExportToBids-ProposalInfo-Proposal19Data.rpx |
This template generates Proposal row 19, enabling agencies to add more fields for use with the Project Bids load.cfg. |
ExportToBids-Proposal24.rpx |
This template generates Proposal row 24, enabling agencies to add multiple rows for each county, for use with the Project Bids load.cfg. |
ExportToBids-Proposal27.rpx |
This template generates Proposal row 27, enabling agencies to add multiple rows for the long description, for use with the Project Bids load.cfg. |
ExportToBids-PropsiteInfo.rpx |
This template generates Proposal Site rows 01-05. |
ExportToBids-ProjectInfo.rpx |
This template generates Project rows 01-05. |
ExportToBids-AddendumInfo.rpx |
This template generates Addend rows 01-02. |
ExportToBids-SectionInfo.rpx |
This template generates section rows 01 and 03. |
ExportToBids-SectionInfo-Section02Data.rpx |
This template generates section row 02, enabling agencies to add multiple rows of the section description, for use with the Project Bids load.cfg. |
ExportToBids-ItemInfo.rpx |
This template generates Item rows 01-11. |
ExportToBids-MiscRow.rpx |
This template generates the MISC01 row. |
The RPX templates are located with other base reports in the Report Template List. See Customizing a Base Report for more information.
You can customize the information you export in the MISC01 data row by creating a custom version of the ExportToBids-MiscRow.rpx. The ”r;Y” and ”r;N” values in the MISC01 row are used to control the display of multiple miscellaneous screens within Bids. You can modify the ActiveReports template to define the specific logic required to generate the values for the MISC01 row.
The base ExportToBids-MiscRow.rpx report file contains a section with commented out code that provides an example of how to set up your own logic for generating the MISC01 row. After you have customized the report, you can run the Export to Bids to automatically run this report template at the appropriate time in the process to populate the MISC01 row.
The ExportToBids-MiscRow.rpx file is located with other base reports in the Report Template List. See Customizing a Base Report for more information.