Contract Price Schedule

The Contract Price Schedule report can be generated after either of the following:

The name of the report does not change when it is generated on a proposal before it is awarded; it is still the Contract Price Schedule report.

The Contract Price Schedule report uses unit price values from the awarded bidder or the valid low bidder to produce contract-level reports in the following sections:

You can generate this report for a single proposal from the Actions menu on the Proposal Summary component header, or from the row Actions menu on the Proposal Overview, Bid Letting Status Summary, or the Proposals tab on the Bid Letting Summary. You can generate the report for all proposals in a bid letting by using the Actions menu on the Bid Letting Summary component header. You can also generate the report for multiple selected proposals by selecting Generate Report from the Actions menu on the Menu Bar. For more information, see Working with Reports.

Related topics:

Working with Reports


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