Changing the Task Scheduler User ID

In this Topic

  1. Changing the Task Scheduler User ID
  2. Changing the Task Scheduler Password
    1. Using the Encrypt Utility
      1. Method 1
      2. Method 2
      3. Method 3 (recommended)

The User ID and Password for the account that performs task scheduling for your agency is entered during the installation process. In the event you need to change this User ID and Password at some time other than during an installation, you can do so by following the steps in this topic.

Changing the Task Scheduler User ID

Follow these steps to change the User ID used by the Task Scheduler:

  1. Locate the appSettings.config file in your AppServer installation folder and open it with any text editor.

  2. Locate the following line in the file:

    <add key="TaskSchedulerUserId" value="[TASKSCHEDULERUSERID]" />

    Note that instead of [TASKSCHEDULERUSERID], the line will include the current Task Scheduler User ID.

  3. Replace the value with the new Task Scheduler User ID

    For example, replace:

    <add key="TaskSchedulerUserId" value="my-old-user-id" />


    <add key="TaskSchedulerUserId" value="my new user id" />

  4. Save the file.

  5. Change the password (if applicable).

  6. Restart the application through the IIS control panel to ensure that the new configuration is used correctly.

Changing the Task Scheduler Password

Follow these steps to change the password used by the Task Scheduler:

  1. Use the Encrypt utility to encrypt the password you wish to utilize (see Using the Encrypt Utility for steps on how to do this).

  2. Locate the appSettings.config file in your installation folder and open it with any text editor.

  3. Locate the following line in the file:

    <add key="TaskSchedulerPassword" value="[TASKSCHEDULERPASSWORD]" />

    Note that instead of [TASKSCHEDULERPASSWORD], the line will include the current Task Scheduler Password (encrypted).

  4. Replace the value with the new Task Scheduler password.

    For example, replace:

    <add key="TaskSchedulerPassword" value="219D03C25B3853220AC6" />


    <add key="TaskSchedulerPassword" value="4AF950B3D84B187A1EC2" />

  5. Save the file.

  6. Restart the application through the IIS control panel to ensure that the new configuration is used correctly.

Using the Encrypt Utility

The Encrypt utility is a command-line tool that is shipped with the application and can be used to encrypt any text used in the system.

Follow these steps to encrypt text using this utility:

  1. To locate the utility in your installation, open a command-line interface by clicking the Start menu and selecting Run...

  2. Type cmd in the dialog to open a command-line console.

  3. Type the following text in the command-line console to navigate to the location where the Encrypt utility is found (the double quotes around the path are required only if the path includes any space):

    cd "C:\AASHTOWareProject\ProcessesAndUtils"  (this is the default path)

  4. Press the Enter key.

  5. Run the Encrypt utility in one of the three following ways:

Method 1

Run the utility, specifying the text to be encrypted as a command-line argument:

  1. Type the following text in the command-line console (substituting the appropriate text to be encrypted in place of 'text_to_be_encrypted'):

    Encrypt text_to_be_encrypted

    (If the text to be encrypted includes white space characters, it should be enclosed in quotation marks, for example: Encrypt "text to be encrypted")

  1. Press Enter.

  2. The utility displays the encrypted version of the text you specified on the next line. You can now select it, copy it and use it as needed.

Method 2

Run the utility in interactive mode:

  1. Type the following text in the command-line console:


  2. Press Enter.

  3. When the utility displays a prompt, type the text you want encrypted.

    For privacy, asterisks are displayed instead of the text.

  4. Press Enter.

  5. The utility displays the encrypted version of the text you specified on the next line. You can now select it, copy it and use it as needed.

Method 3 (recommended)

Run the utility using the wizard:

  1. Run the wizard in the Modify Configuration Only mode.

  2. In the Password Encryption window, select Yes.

  3. For more information, refer to the Modifying Only the Configuration section of Chapter 3 in the AASHTOWare Project Installation Instructions.


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