Awarding Proposals to the Lowest Bidder

You can have the system automatically award all unawarded proposals in the bid letting to the lowest valid bidders by following these steps:

  1. On the Bid Letting Overview component, select Award Proposals to Low Bidders from the Actions menu on the bid letting's row. You can also award proposals on the Bid Letting Status Summary page by selecting Award Proposals to Low Bidders from the Actions menu on the component header.

    The system displays the Award Proposals on Letting to Low Bidders modal window with the Proposal Status and Status Date fields automatically populated with current values.

  2. If necessary, enter new values in the Proposal Status and/or Status Date fields.

  3. Click Award Proposals to Low Bidders.

    The system updates the Proposal and Proposal Vendor records with the awarded bidder information.

The system identifies the low bidder for analysis purposes, but the contract may be awarded to any valid bidder for the proposal. For information about awarding the contract manually, see Awarding a Proposal.

Related topics:

Managing Bid Lettings


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